3 Creative Lists that are Fun to Make AND Complete

Call me crazy, but I absolutely LOVE making lists. I make multiple lists everyday, from grocery lists to a list of errands that I need to run and from school and homework to-do lists to work to-do lists.

Photo credit to barnesandnoble.com

In my opinion, lists have a bad reputation, and unnecessarily so! Everyone has experienced a to-do list that ended up being more daunting on paper than the cluster of thoughts floating around in your head. The thing that I discovered a while ago is that lists don’t all have to lead to a painstaking completion process. Some to-do lists can actually be fun!

Because of my love for lists, I unleashed my creativity and began making lists for things that are much more exciting than remembering to pick up milk, scheduling a vet appointment, and keeping track of work meetings. Here are three different lists that not only are enjoyable to make, but also really fun to complete!

Photo credit to barnesandnoble.com

1) Travel & Destinations List About five years ago on a short road trip with my mom, I purchased the book 1,000 Places to See in the United States & Canada Before You Die. This book is a game changer. It offers specific cities, destinations, and tourist attractions of all shapes and sizes throughout the 50 states and our northern neighbor. I immediately began making a list of all the quirky attractions, natural wonders, historical sites, and cities from around the world that I want to visit!

My travel list turned into a pretty elaborate and long list of places and things to do, so I turned my once-scribbly list into a travel journal. I purchased a blank journal with a fun design and organized my travel list by location. I am still adding to my travel lists and enjoying crossing off the completed items! Who wouldn’t enjoy completing this kind of list?!

This is the exact journal I use to record my Words Worth Reading List! Photo credit to barnesandnoble.com

2) Quotes List: Words Worth Remembering I have always been drawn to eloquent writing and speech. It is comforting and inspiring, and I always want to remember the words that give chills or make me smile. Cue the ‘words worth remembering’ list.

Just like my travel list, I bought a beautiful, blank journal to organize and record all of the words and quotes I want to remember. This is what usually happens: I hear or read a quote, grab the closest old piece of mail, a receipt, or snippet of scrap paper and messily jot down the words. In order for me to actually read the quotes and not have to keep a pile of old papers, I take a few minutes to update ‘words worth remembering’ list in my quotes book.

Beyond my love for well-said phrases, do you know what the best part of making this type of list is? There is no work in the completion of it! You only have to continue to make it, add to it, and appreciate it.

Photo credit to barnesandnoble.com

3) Worth Reading List I am a bookworm. I love the feeling of starting and finishing a new book, but our lives today are busy, and free time to read for fun is rare. In order for me to keep up with all of the new titles and book releases, I make a list of books that want to make sure I check out.

Every once in a while, I will take a peek at Barnes & Noble’s Top 100 books list as well as the New York Times bestseller lists and make note of any and all titles that grab my attention. Just like many of my other lists, I bought a small, blank notebook about the size of a weekly planner to keep a running list of books so I won’t forget the names of any of them. Even though this to-do reading list will take a decent amount of time to complete, the feeling of accomplishment after you finish each book makes all the difference. With this list, I am always ready with a book at hand when I have the chance to read for pleasure!

5 Resources to Help Build Your DIY Confidence

As a perpetual renter with a studio apartment-sized budget, I am always looking for ways to curb my ever-changing style with do-it-yourself home decorating projects. It is such a satisfying feeling to complete a project and be able to say, “I made that” the next time someone compliments it. But starting some DIY projects can feel just as intimidating as looking at big price tags in stores!

Building your DIY confidence is a vital step to balance wanting high-end style and needing to stick to a realistic budget. To feel fully equipped to unleash your creativity on your next DIY overhaul, I have compiled five terrific resources that fostered my DIY spirit and confidence.

Take some time to explore all these resources have to offer, and I think you will find yourself much more inspired than intimidated! All it takes is a few little things for you to be capable of having a big interest in DIY projects!

Do It Yourself Magazine, Winter 2011; Photo Credit to heyjenrenee.com

1) Do It Yourself Magazine Although this magazine is issued only four times a year, each issue is packed full of beautiful, easy-to-complete projects that allow you to display your personality and style through your work. In Do It Yourself Magazine you will find how-to steps for everything from art projects to furniture makeovers.

I Brake for Yard Sales, by: Lara Spencer; Photo Credit to Amazon.com

2) I Brake For Yards Sales by: Lara Spencer One look at this book and your perception of yard sales DIY home projects will never be the same! In her book, Good Morning America correspondent Lara Spencer shares her passion for DIY home projects and thrifty finds and provides readers with all the necessary how-to information to take a DIY project from purchase to presentation. Spencer does an incredible job of showing the uncapped glamour, fun, and personality that can result from some creativity and a little DIY spirit.

HGTV Magazine; Photo Credit to curbed.com

3) HGTV Magazine and HGTV.com are great resources to categorize your personal style and find ways to step out of your design-style comfort zone. This magazine always offers fresh ideas and cutting edge decorating tips from well-known HGTV designers as well as simple ways for every homeowner or renter to spruce up his or her space. The HGTV magazine and website also provide great information for those individuals who are ready to take on larger DIY home renovations. No project is too big or too small for HGTV to discuss.

Pinterest; Photo Credit to pfsweb.com

4) Pinterest If you are at all interested in DIY projects and crafts and don’t have a Pinterest account, I suggest you got one now…well, as soon as you finish reading this blog post. This social network devotes entire categories of “pins” to DIY & Craft, Home Decor, and Design; not to mention the other various categories Pinterest users may pin their DIY ideas and inspirations. Pinterest offers an endless number of project ideas – many of which are linked to websites and other blogs with step-by-step instructions and suggestions on how to complete the projects. The craft supply and home improvement stores will be calling your name after only a few minutes of exploring!

The Nate Berkus Show; Photo Credit to sohautestyle.com

5) The Nate Berkus Show Top interior designer Nate Berkus charms and entertains on his daytime home life and design talk show. The show’s website is full of DIY tips, suggestions, and even places to brag about you own finished projects under the DIY Design Proud tab! The many articles, photos, video segments, and even online viewer comments provide inspiration and the assistance you need to become DIY design proud, too!
What other resources have you used to build your DIY confidence? Where else do you find creative inspiration?